The political turmoil in Belarus has closed the government’s access to loans from western multinational lenders, and made new borrowing on the international debt market extremely expensive. Moreover, from now onwards,...
Decyzja Rosji o wstrzymaniu od początku 2020 r. wsparcia kredytowego dla rządu białoruskiego zmusiła Mińsk do zwrócenia się do Unii Europejskiej oraz kredytodawców międzynarodowych z prośbą o pilne wsparcie...
Russia’s decision to cut credit support to the Belarusian government as of the beginning of 2020 has forced Minsk to turn to the EU and international lenders for urgent financial support during the coronavirus crisis.
Kraje nadbałtyckie stopniowo zaczęły wycofywać się z ograniczeń, jakie nałożyły w marcu 2020 r. w odpowiedzi na wybuch pandemii COVID-19. Ale oczywiste jest, że ich gospodarki, poważnie dotknięte kryzysem, mają...
The Baltic states have gradually started to exit the lockdowns they imposed in March 2020, in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Nonetheless, it is obvious that their economies, severely hit by the crisis, will face a...
Na początku tego roku Rosja odmówiła dalszego udzielania Białorusi subsydiów energetycznych wartych wiele miliardów dolarów. Nie chce też wspierać kredytowo swojego sąsiada. W perspektywie średnio- i...
Russia’s refusal to extend its USD multi-billion energy subsidies to Belarus since the start of this year, as well as its reluctance to retain the previous level of credit support to its neighbor, will likely put Minsk’s...
A resumption of lending in Russia by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) remains a distant perspective, even after the restart of the Ukraine peace settlement. Nevertheless, the EBRD is facing a...
Despite lofty rhetoric, the Ukrainian authorities have failed to secure any significant progress in the privatization of the country’s largest state-owned companies during the past five years. The new government promises a...
The Ukrainian e-commerce sector swiftly recovered from the 2014-2015 financial and economic crises, and has reported up to 30 per cent of annual growth over the past three years. This is one of the highest levels in Eastern...