It is becoming increasingly clear that in the H2’20 there will be a significant shortage of agricultural products on the world market due to broken supply chains. Prices are expected to rise in the summer or autumn, but also...
The debate on the sustainability of the meat sector in the EU is heating up, and the role of alternative proteins is mentioned in political circles. Recent research conducted by the UN warns that climate change could affect the...
On the one hand, the Russian embargo was supposed to be a “punishment” for Western exporters for the sanctions imposed on Russia. On the other hand, it was supposed to serve as a tool to support domestic production. However,...
In 30 years, there will be 10 billion people on the Earth. This requires a massive increase in food supply, something that traditional meat production can no longer afford. So, the world is considering alternative solutions more...
Despite individual European Union member states reinstalling border checks, both food industry and state representatives reassure EU citizens that the highly-internationalized European food supply is secure and stable.
Slovenia's organic farming sector continues to grow slowly but steadily, with 3,320 agricultural holdings registered as organic farms in 2018, a 4 per cent increase over 2017.
According to European Union, almost 250 kilograms of food (per person) are wasted every year in Poland. Food is wasted not only by households but also by the food business.
According to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, wheat exports from Russia in 2018 amounted to 40 million tons, which is a new world record for exports., and almost two times more than a year earlier.
Croatia is an important wine producer and it tries to perfect its wine products for decades. In 2017, wine production had revenues of HRK503.9m (EUR68.1m), but the total production is decreasing.
French poultry group LDC and Ukrainian group MHP were in a battle to take over the Slovenian company Perutnina Ptuj, one of the leading Slovenian poultry producers. Finally, Ukrainians were the winners.