The Russian invasion of Ukraine has forcibly reshaped the psychological, emotional and geopolitical map of Europe. It is time for a reappraisal, including of what went wrong in the reconfiguration of Europe since the Berlin...
Bank of Russia, the country’s central bank and key financial regulator, wants to change Russia’s anti-money laundering laws in order to have more decision-making power over which companies can be deemed risky from a...
There are some who believe that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline won't be used for natural gas in the near future, instead becoming instrumental in the production of hydrogen. Russian and German companies have a plan to build a joint...
Russia’s major corporations have been reporting decimated profits due to the COVID-19. Companies in the natural resources sector, the cornerstone of the country’s economy, have gone through difficult times. On the other hand,...
Russia’s state Pension Fund is in a desperate need of additional transfers from state coffers. The Russian government is looking for creative ways to fill the gaps, such as confiscating “suspicious savings”, taxing tax...
The recent political events forced the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to face increased political pressure within Germany and within her own Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ruling party — to end her support for the Nord...
When the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) authorized the use of a Russian ship to lay the final part of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, advocates of the project were delighted. The move allows the pipeline to reach its destination in...
After more than two years of close collaboration, Russia’s corporate giants Sberbank and Yandex seem to be definitively giving up on the idea of creating a Russian alternative of the American eCommerce hegemon Amazon. Serious...
The US is considering imposing new sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. The expanded sanctions would impact all pipeline laying activities and companies that provide insurance, port...
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sold its 50 per cent+1 share in Sberbank, Russia’s largest financial institution, to the Russian Finance Ministry. Although officially carried out to avoid conflict of interest, some...