Double dip recession not excluded

The Obama Administration is taking a very dangerous chance in trying to force through the health care reform legislation through the use of a  parliamentary procedure normally used only on unimportant matters.  If it does not succeed, it will look weak and foolish (the original House bill passed by only five votes).  If it succeeds it is almost certain to make the inevitable Democratic defeat in the midterm elections even worse than otherwise and the measure is certain to be challenged in the courts.
Weak consumption and real estate sales figuress and renewed rise in unemployment indicates that the „recovery” is limited to the production/industrial sector and thus heavily dependent on exports.  However, the dollar is beginning to strengthen, which will make exporting more difficult.  Some analysts are beginning to talk of a possible „double-dip” (or W-shaped) recession.  The continued problems in the European Union, however, will continue to help strengthen the dollar.