Autor: Steve Keen

University of Western Sydney

My First Talk in Cambridge

I gave two talks in Cambridge University on my recent trip to the UK. Since I was talking to academic audiences, these talks were rather more technical in nature than those I normally give. The two lectures are very similar and last about 40 minutes, but the video of the second is much longer because I recorded the discussion that occurred after the lecture (I tried to record the discussion at the first lecture as well, but my recorder ran out of battery power half way through).

I cover the gamut of my views on macroeconomics in these two talks: why neoclassical economics is useless, Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis, and my early and more recent models of this, with the latter using my strictly monetary macroeconomic method.

> video

The discussion after the second lecture touches on some aspects of the “modern debt Jubilee” idea that was the focus of the next day’s interview on BBC HARDtalk.

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