Ben Bernanke’s Views on Gold Are Rather Passé

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke’s big speech last week before the students at George Washington University didn’t necessarily start out to be a screed against the gold standard, but it sure turned out that way. For its first two-thirds, the speech was a folksy historical justification of central banking. But in the peroration, the end, and then the Q&A, almost against its better instincts, it devolved into gold-bashing.

It was a pretty undisciplined speech, and the shots Bernanke fired against gold ran the gamut. He repeated the utterly minor point that gold standards encourage gold exploration and development, thus diverting resources from the real economy. He said that bank failures happened in number in the gold-standard era, but provided no point of reference as to the relative size of these failures. And at last he dwelt on the gold standard’s complicity in the onset of the Great Depression.

Thus the speech serves a particular useful purpose. It essentially concedes this important point: across all the arguments against gold that are made from historical examples, there is only one that packs a punch. This is that gold caused the Great Depression.

Whatever criticism there is to be leveled at the gold standard during its halcyon days in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, we now know, it is small potatoes. However many panics and bank failures you can point to from 1870 to 1913, the underlying economic reality is that the period saw phenomenal growth year after year, far above the twentieth-century average, and in the context of price oscillations around par that have no like in their modesty in the subsequent century of history.

Moreover, the silence of the critics about the renewed if modified gold-standard era of 1944-1971, the “Bretton Woods” run of substantial growth and considerable price stability, indicates that it too is innocent of sponsoring an irreducibly faulty monetary system.

So that leaves one historical argument and one historical argument only about the purported fallaciousness of the gold standard: that which concerns the Great Depression.

As I say, Bernanke’s speech, if unwittingly, did a good job of narrowing the actual claims that opponents of the gold standard can marshal against it. And it begs a question: did the gold standard truly play a major role in causing the Great Depression?

Perhaps the most influential single volume in academic economic history of the past generation is Barry Eichengreen’s 1992 book, Golden Fetters, which makes precisely this point. Eichengreen lays out a case that it was the effort on the part of central banks to defend their currencies’ gold parities from 1929 on that led to the severity of the crisis. The more countries tried to defend their currencies’ values against gold, the more their economies were starved of cash and thus spun into depression; the more nonchalant countries became about gold, the quicker and bigger their recoveries.

Ben Bernanke’s views of Eichengreen’s work have been uniformly laudatory over the years, as the GW speech made clear and as you can trace back to a glowing review Bernanke wrote of Golden Fetters called, “The world on a cross of gold.”

The problem with Bernanke’s consistency in upholding the Eichengreen argument is that that argument has been rendered void by subsequent scholarship. Specifically, Milton Friedman’s greatest student in the area of monetary history, Richard H. Timberlake, has written voluminously, and definitively, since 1993, that no evidence exists that the Fed was following gold-standard rules or rubrics when it contracted the money supply from 1928 to 1933.

Rather, as Timberlake has shown, we know what guided Fed thinking in this period, and this was the doctrine that the Fed would refrain from issuing money unless it clearly would go to financing end-point economic transactions, as opposed to things like stock-market speculation and even investment. Whatever you want to say about this doctrine, it has zip to do with the gold standard. And it was at the root of the Fed’s weird decision-making 1928-33 where it presided over a radical narrowing of the money supply.

Gold is nowhere in this story. There’s no evidence that Fed tightening was done in view of any gold-standard requirement, no evidence that gold-market moves pressured the Fed into tightening, no evidence that dwindling gold stocks or the prospect thereof scared the Fed into keeping money extra tight and triggering the Great Contraction.

In fact, the whole while gold was cascading into the Treasury, making it fully possible, indeed mandated, under gold-standard rules (had they been obliged) for the Fed to print money with abandon. Indeed, as Timberlake notes, and this argument is killer, the gold-standard convention had it that all gold was to be monetized by central banks and treasuries in the event of crisis. Here was a crisis, and these institutions stockpiled gold at the expense of money! In sum: the gold standard was inoperative from 1928 to 1933.

Now you know something must be up if the Fed chairman is still carrying water for a long-in-the-tooth argument against gold that hasn’t held up over the years. There is.

The website EconJournalWatch, in a section called “Sounds of Silence,” surveys the major academic economic literature for times when the big cheeses in the profession find their arguments disproven but fail to respond to these disproofs in any meaningful way. Right there on the site’s list is Timberlake’s takedown of Eichengreen.

In other words, Bernanke is part of a feet-in-cement consensus that says academic economics figured out the Great Depression back in the 1980s and 1990s. It’s conservatism with a small-C. Bernanke was wowed by Eichengreen’s book, and he’s going to stay that way.

Professors who hold on to outdated views and keep teaching from the same lecture notes are a common sight in higher ed. It’s one thing to tend in this direction in the confines of a small classroom of smart students who can figure out what’s up. But it’s quite another when one is Fed chairman and standing in the way of the kind of monetary reform that this country needs to get going in the 21st century. At any rate, we can rest assured that the last historical argument against the wisdom and efficacy of the gold standard—that it ground us into the Great Depression—carries no weight at all.